Our Story

As a business leader, Acumen founder, Drew Hiss, had the vision to build an “impactful and region-wide” community of business owners and CEOs that were committed to a higher standard of excellence, influence, and impact in their businesses.

He wanted to build something that could become the gold standard for how business platforms should be built and operated. One where participating organizations would be among the top-performing companies in the region for growth, culture, and excellence. This vision took root and began to grow near the end of 2015.

Drew & DanIn early 2016, Drew connected with co-founder, Dan Cooper, over coffee and discovered they had common DNA. Different backgrounds, companies, and industries, but each keenly aware of the challenges and advantages that come with owning and running a business, including isolation, influence, and the desire to make an impact.

There were times in their respective businesses when they were consumed by inspiring and motivating others, leaving little energy or time to devote to unplanned business or life issues. Worse yet, their individual dreams of making a lasting impact beyond the bottom line were on constant hold. They realized their businesses were running them.

Other times, they were hit with problems so big or so complex, they didn’t know where to turn or what steps to take. 

Where was the CEO and owner playbook?
Who had the answers?
“Not Knowing” can be an expensive, costly, and game-changing predicament. “Knowing and not doing” can be even more so. They both have deep scar tissue to show for it!

Acumen, a community where CEOs and business owners would feel safe to share their biggest challenges and aspirations for business and personal growth, was poised for big impact. The parameters for joining were simple: only owners/CEOs of successful, growing businesses would be invited. They must be humble and teachable, and aspire to discover, exercise and celebrate their unique God-given talents to love others.

Core Values

Image_ Acumen Values


What our Members Are Saying

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Any athlete, any person that wants to perform at a high level has a coach. Acumen provides me with an individual coach that can walk through how I’ve been doing, where I want to go and the steps that I should be taking in order to get there.

Sean Miller

CEO, Robert E. Miller Group
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I don’t know what I would do without Acumen. I have been involved in it for a couple years and it’s just filled the (leadership) void for me.

Mike Strouse

CEO, Goodlife Innovations

What We Believe

Our Partners, Drew & Dan, know firsthand how powerful the platform of leadership can be relative to impacting the lives of other people: employees, employees’ families, customers, communities, suppliers and more. As followers of Christ, they believe they’ve been called to a higher standard of impact and influence.

These beliefs are the foundation Acumen was built on and it’s our mission to provide business owners and CEOs a resource to solidify their leadership skills and provide a positive influence on those they lead. We believe doing so will help leaders experience more success both professionally and personally.


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