Become a Growth Catalyst in your Community

Invest in other CEOs & Business Owners in their journey to grow their top line, optimize their bottom line, and enrich their story.

Do you want to join the adventure?

Better decisions. More success. In business and in life. We are focused on creating catalytic communities dedicated to sharpening, challenging, and inspiring CEOs to a higher impact.

  • Sharpen others with your wisdom and experience.

  • Challenge CEOs and Business owners as they work to drive growth.

  • Inspire a team to push beyond the norm and find excellence.

You might even discover a little sharpening, challenge, and inspiration for yourself along the journey.

What is a Growth Catalyst?

Catalyst: an agent that provokes or speeds significant change or action.

A Growth Catalyst comes alongside CEOs and Owners embodying the Acumen values taking leaders on a Bold, Fun, Challenging, Adventurous, Unconventional, and Catalytic journey. Your past experience sitting in the seat of owning or leading a company has given you battle scars and pathways to help others. You are the transformational agent that helps a team of leaders drive growth in people, performance, profit, and person. While independent, Growth Catalysts work together as a team of teams in your city to sharpen, challenge, and inspire others.

The Growth Catalyst Experience

Our aim is to provide our Growth Catalysts with an experience that Challenges, Sharpens, and Inspires in a unique way as they approach engaging with their world. It’s a shared vision as we move from success to significance.

The monthly rhythm of Acumen’s platform will help you build a calendar around predictable activities that give you strong connection while allowing you to create time and space for other business, activities, and fun.

The repetition of Council, Debriefs, and Advance allow a steady flow of learning, spaced out in a natural way that allows for a cadence of connection and income. The recurring revenue model of Acumen allows you to plan and not worry about the cycle of finding business.


The rhythm and repetition helps develop deep relationships with your clients - deeper than we’ve ever had doing business running a company. Doing life shoulder to shoulder with high impact individuals will enrich your life more than you know.​


Acumen affords those who are qualified to re-engage with business owners, entrepreneurs and CEO’s without having to carry the full weight of biz ownership. You’ll have the opportunity to help others thrive, create value and engage in economic exchange.

What Makes Acumen Unique?

The Acumen Experience

A community of teams focused on supporting each other in business and in life.


Monthly Council meetings focused on challenging the skills and heart of a leader.


Debrief coaching sessions with each Partner to sharpen their approach to leadership.


Annual Outbound experiences to inspire and trigger greater trust with your team.


Next-level keynote speakers & breakout discussions at Quarterly Advance Workshops.

Words from our Members...

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I always come back with a list of things to share with my leadership team and implement. My council has become a huge factor in my life in so many ways. It’s a key thing I have on my schedule. How could I miss it? 

Todd Pleimann

Managing Partner, RubinBrown
left-quote Created with Sketch.

Acumen was an expense line we knew we couldn’t do without. The return on investment is multiple from a financial standpoint, but even more importantly, the return on impact personally has been exponential.


Andrew Stafford

President, Prevail Innovative Wealth Strategies

Do YOU have what it takes?

  • Former CEO or Business Owner
  • "Sat in the Seat" as a leader driving growth
  • Humble, Hungry, Smart - Leverages EQ over IQ
  • Looking to transition from success to significance
  • Desire to mentor and inspire other leaders
  • Faith Foundation


Get in touch to learn more about launching a new region or leading a team.

Ready To Have A Conversation?