Sharpen. Challenge. Inspire.

An exclusive community of CEO/Owners to help you grow your top line, optimize your bottom line, and enrich your storyline.

Better decisions. More success. In business and in life.

Leadership is a challenging and lonely endeavor involving long hours, difficult decisions, and being the final word on everything. In this “every man and woman for themselves” world, you’ve probably realized: there is no playbook for CEOs and business owners. But what if there was a group of leaders just like you who were committed to helping each other maximize their impact on their customers, employees, suppliers, and community?

Welcome to Acumen. Sharpen your edge.

The Acumen Way

Acumen ignites a Higher Standard of CEO influence and business impact.
Our Impact Platform delivers dynamic resources that sharpen, challenge, and inspire your effectiveness as a leader and your organization's overall performance.



At your monthly council meeting, you’ll be sharpened, challenged, & inspired in a confidential & catalytic experience that matches content, conversation, & leadership best practices with other adventurous CEOs & Owners.



Through coaching, we come alongside CEOs, Owners, Entrepreneurs, & Executives to help you grow in a thought-provoking & creative process to maximize your personal & professional potential. 



Every quarter, Acumen Members engage in a catalytic Leadership Workshop called “Advance.” Advance includes the entire Acumen community with industry-leading, best-of-class instruction & training. Advance affords Members from all teams to gather, network, & build relationships across teams.



Your Acumen Council Group goes “off the grid” once a year to shed their daily obligations & “get away from it all” to share in an adventure that’s sure to inspire, amuse, & create lifetime memories. It’s a great way to solidify the group while also creating deeper individual relationships. 


of teams believe that their leaders have a clear direction for their company
(Gallup Survey)


of people who receive coaching benefit from improved work performance, relationships, & more effective communication skills
(Institute for Coaching)

What Our Members Are Saying...

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I always come back with a list of things to share with my leadership team and implement. My council has become a huge factor in my life in so many ways. It’s a key thing I have on my schedule. How could I miss it? 

Todd Pleimann
Managing Partner, RubinBrown
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Acumen was an expense line we knew we couldn’t do without. The return on investment is multiple from a financial standpoint, but even more importantly, the return on impact personally has been exponential.


Andrew Stafford
President, Prevail Innovative Wealth Strategies

Taking the Lead

All things rise and fall on leadership...

your company, personal life, & community.


What many leaders don’t realize is that their business, when healthy and successful, can not only create wealth, it can serve others for a common good.


Sharpen Your Edge.

Sign up for the Higher Standard Blog!

Each week we share ways to sharpen your edge, stories to inspire you, and challenges to drive change as a leader.

Ready To Learn More About The Acumen Experience?